When it comes to making resolutions for the new year, you have probably given your retirement goals some thought. How well you prepare now could determine how comfortable your retirement will be. People who make financial resolutions at the beginning of each year generally end the year in better financial shape than those who didn’t. So let’s talk about some 2017 New Year’s resolutions that will have a positive financial impact on your retirement.
Here are five retirement resolutions you can use for the New Year.
Prepare for Unplanned Events
When planning for retirement, most people have a certain age in mind for when they would like to retire. However, sometimes unexpected events occur, such as a layoff or health issues, that cause them to have to retire early. Therefore, you should plan for several different retirement scenarios so you are not financially caught off guard. That means you will have to financially fund your retirement based on the worst case scenario and if your pre-retirement days don’t include any unfortunate events, then you will have more money to spend during your retirement. It’s a win-win solution!
Pay Off as Much Debt as Possible
Make one of your goals to pay off as much debt as possible before you retire. You could do this by taking your annual raise and paying it directly toward any outstanding debt. That way you’ll never miss the money or feel as if you are having to live on less. You could also make a few lifestyle changes each month such as buying one less latte per week or eating out two times per week instead of three and putting that extra money towards your debt.
Enlist the Help of a Fiduciary
If you plan on investing, it’s a good idea to find a professional advisor who is a fiduciary. A fiduciary is required to only give you financial advice and recommendations that are in your best interest and not the ones that bring them the highest commissions.
Think Logically About Your Investments
Make a resolution to not get emotionally involved in your investments. For example, don’t rush to make changes in your portfolio because a current event has made you fear the outcome. Think about that investment in the long term and not in the present. Also, you shouldn’t allow a perceived “hot tip” from a friend or family member allow you to make a rash decision about any investment. Take all the time you need to perform enough research about that investment to make an educated decision about whether or not that tip will ultimately result in your favor.
Redirect the Funds from Your Paid Debt
Once you’ve paid off any given debt, you could take that money and redirect it to a retirement savings account. This will allow you to save money you’ve already budgeted for so you won’t feel the difference when it comes to your monthly payout. This will also make your long-term savings goals easier to achieve. Additionally, you could take a part-time side job. It could be something you enjoy so it’s not a burden and that paycheck could go directly into a savings retirement account.