Best 55+ Communities for Singles in Maryland

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With over 50 active adult communities in Maryland, there are lots of places for those 55+ to live. For singles, here are the five best places with smaller homes, different housing styles, and clubs and social activities to keep you engaged.

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Choosing an active adult community to buy a home in is an exciting prospect, with lots of factors to consider. But what if you are single? Not to worry, many 55+ communities know their residents are single and have clubs and activities catered to singles in addition to all the other ways to engage with neighbors. Here are the five best active adult communities for singles in Maryland.

Leisure World® of Maryland – Silver Spring

Below $100s – Mid $500s

Leisure World of Maryland in Silver Spring, Maryland is the largest and one of the most well-known 55+ communities in the state. With over 5,600 homes that include everything from single-family to duplexes to condos ranging from one to three bedrooms.

The community has over 7,000 residents and many amenities, which means lifestyle options are almost unlimited. The “Going it Alone” group offers singles living in the community a chance to meet up, chat, and do activities together. There is also a Leisure World LGBT Alliance where those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and their allies can meet and support one another.

There are also over 80 different social clubs and groups that range from crafts and hobbies to sports to politics. The amenities within the gated community also keep residents busy and in shape with several fitness classes.

Heritage Harbour – Annapolis

Low $200s – High $700s

Heritage Harbour is another large and well-established active adult community in Maryland. Located in Annapolis, the community has over 1,600 homes in a variety of styles. The best club for singles is the Singles Lunch Bunch, but there are over 50 groups and clubs where residents can meet, talk, dance, play sports, or share their hobbies with other enthusiasts.

While the community offers lots of amenities, Heritage Harbour is also conveniently located just outside of downtown Annapolis on public transportation routes and half an hour from Washington, D.C., providing opportunities for singles meetups in the city.

Chesapeake at Easton Club East – Easton

Low $300s – High $300s

Another great community for singles on the Eastern Shore is Chesapeake at Easton Club East in Easton, Maryland, with 450 homes, a fitness center with indoor and outdoor pools, tennis courts, a clubhouse, arts and crafts room, and a library,

Chesapeake is filled with amenities for active adults. The homes are resale only but include smaller single-family homes with two bedrooms. There are plenty of clubs and activities where residents can enjoy their hobbies and learn new skills from group exercise classes, to card-game nights, to writing and craft classes. There is also a monthly Singles Mixer for residents to meet up with their fellow single neighbors.

Symphony Village

High $200s – Mid $500s

Symphony Village prides itself on having a lot of different activities for residents. The 55+ community in Centerville, Maryland on the Eastern Shore has almost 400 single family homes with more than half of the models having two bedrooms.

It offers the traditional amenities of a clubhouse and fitness center and is committed to having lots of resident-driven activities in the community. Residents can post happenings in the Village and nearby on the community’s website and some of the highlights for single residents include a Social Singles meetup, Beginner Line Dancing (no partner needed), and fun Friday game nights.

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